COVID-19 Procedure

Safety is our Highest Concern at Lydian on Lamar

Here’s some info on our protocols for managing COVID-19 in our practice:

  • Our dental staff takes the proper precautionary measures to make sure our patients stay safe! Upon arrival all staff members must take their temperatures.
  • Our team members use personal protective equipment (PPE) including N95 masks in the clinical area. Everyone, including patients are required to wear face masks upon entry to the building. Every patient is required to complete a COVID-19 questionnaire within 24 hours of their appointment to help us determine if there is potential risk of COVID-19 exposure.
  • We advise our patients to do vehicle check-in via text message. Once a team member is ready, they are messaged to come to the office. Upon entering, hand sanitizer is provided, temperature is taken, and an oral rinse is given at the start of the dental appointment. To minimize aerosols during an appointment, our hygienists are doing hand scaling during dental cleanings ,a cavitron is used for tougher areas when necessary (ultrasonic cleaner), and high volume suction is used. After each visit, each operatory room is then sanitized and all materials used are disposed of properly.